Samstag, September 16, 2006

I love…

I love when the day is rainy
I love when I get to run into people I care
I love when there is wine with every meal
I love when my song is played loud
I love when I don't feel fat
I love when my time isn't short, my hair falls straight, my mouth is kept shut, and my problems are none
I love when I get presents and when my friendships are true
I love giving out uplifting words
I love when my hatred is null
I love when my sex isn' t dull
I love when I write and when I write I say what I deeply relish to say
I love when I surprise
I love when I am understood
I love hate even though hate does not love me
I love the beauty of obvious chores
I love the color of goodness even when its color turns invisible
I love right thoughts
I'd have loved myself being lefthanded
I love laughing at myself
I love pets, cats most of all, and the way their fur feels when it's touched
I love dirty language, clean bathrooms, calm water, and cool steel
I love when a baby child smiles at me and also when these tinny little individuals hold my index finger grabbing it with all their five little ones.
I love cushions,foggy landscapes, butterflies in the stomach, popcorn, smell of brand-new books, bread with whipped butter, recovered files, arrival flights, mac&cheese, encyclopedias, scented candles, psycho-thrillers, laminated flashcards, fresh-brewed coffee, fireplace, Googone, barbecue sauce, brownie sundae, lazy afternoons, and so much more stuff that I could continue naming them here forever...
Not being loved that much helped me list things I love
Not being loved as much as I wanted reminded me of all the things that are loveable.... oops, I almost forgot...
I love being me too

by Laila Chris

Freitag, September 15, 2006

A Poem Tale

I've been feeling these days the need to digress a poem which would underline my bizarre mind! People normally get me as being a freak individual. I don't wonder much about that; however there might be a slight possibility that they are right. Do I hurt anyone by being this weird? Guess not! So, my point is, am I taking advantage of being spacey? I sure am, 'cause I believe that I know perfectly how to distinguish the important matters from the fruitless issues. Hence, I stress over the only important subjects to me. I can say that I am a bit selfish then, too selfish sometimes.

I've been intellectually supported by a one of a kind partner, lucky me! He would die to read that poem which I had mentioned in the paragraph right above. Could I be able to do it at this exact moment? We never know. I guess writers never know when he/she is ready to create.

I consider my writings extensions of my mental footages. The scenes I invent are shot or taped especially before I fall asleep or mainly during my bedtime. I would make movies out of my imagination if I could. I might be able to write a book if I had spare time to develop intense characters though. Realistically speaking, I may need to acquire more writing talent to make something in English. This is a straight clue that I am a freak, 'cause I write in English and this language simply isn't my mother tongue. Well, for those whom English is their first language, they should have already noticed my lack of vocabulary or my excess of odd sentences.

And… …what about the poem then?

I'll leave it for later. I am too tired, sleepy, and even hungry. It's six o'clock on a Sunday morning for crying out loud. Who on this planet would stay in front of a computer screen trying to come up with lyrics, metaphorical phrases, or just mere words to fit in short lines with rhymes and double meanings??? I would. See? Laila, you are a freak! Now I know it!

by Laila Chris

Mittwoch, September 13, 2006

Can’t Help That

Sweet sympathy
Can’t help that if
You aren’t there again
If your words can’t cure
If our needs don’t meet

Sweet comfort
“A true relief” it’s known
Millions of spots can be seen
Feel the touch of a dry skin
Stare at the eyes of sad children
Cool steel could poke them indeed

Broken bones and deadly actions
Can’t help that if
You don’t put up with my manners
If you can’t find my deep reasons…
…if Saturdays are never long enough?

Sweet sound
Stomachaches are empty
Bladders are full
And the breeze isn’t refreshing
Cut down on puritany
Broaden your morality
And get rid of your poor judgments

Someday a day will rise
In a perfect fall season,
Butterflies will land on colored flowers
Shinny dew accumulated on green leaves
Face washed and mint breath
This day will come about
Along with it
Some news:
Sad children no longer exist
Can’t help that…

by Laila Chris

Dienstag, September 12, 2006


I want to buy a book that tells my story
It would bring my secrets
The author would have to drive along my path.
The school
The restaurant
The university
The dream
Too short!
And too drivel!

by Laila Chris

Montag, September 11, 2006

Über mich

I’ve stolen books from libraries
I would ring the bell of strangers’ homes and walk away rapidly…
I’ve already wanted to poison the neighbors’ pets
I’ve already run over a stray cat back in my hometown

I whisper people bad words in different languages all the time
I almost poked my sister’s right eye once

I showed my middle finger to a religion teacher when I was just 6
I scratched deliberately a Fritz Dobbert piano when I was 9
I’d smoke cigarette butts from the floor when I was 11
I used to fake out my mother’s signature on my school detentions

I hadn’t known how to fry eggs short time before I decided to live alone
I invited people whom I didn’t know into my apartment
Later on, many of them used to hang out there
Some of them became good friends

I’ve already canceled many doctor’s and dentist’s appointments
I don’t like doing the dishes and usually place wet towels in bed
I’ve never voted for president or governor

Luckily, I never liked MENUDOS
Although I’ve already bought New Kids on the Block album and I have already wanted to marry Joe McIntyre.

I’ve visited a few countries in the North and South America and have never been to Europe
I’ve fished in the Atlantic and have never wet my feet into the cold Pacific
I’ve always feared driving even way before I had a car accident.
I’ve already danced lambada and have already been to a punk rock concert…

…well, I still listen to punk rock, however it isn’t my cup of tea
Lambada is in the past, THANK GOD!
I do avoid driving as much as I can
I am a great cook now – Lebanese dishes are my specialty
I’ve been happily married to a non-famous person since 98
I don’t smoke yet I quite enjoy drinking
I don’t play the piano anymore even though I could be back to having lessons
My sister doesn’t talk to me very often and I wonder why
I can’t invite strangers to my apartment but they certainly enter my list of ORKUT friends
My kitchen is usually the dirtiest place in the house
I don’t feel like having pets because I don’t appreciate the fact they may not live long
Hate answering the door, the bell, cell phones, and E-mails
I simply can’t steal or fake out signatures any longer for I fear the idea of being arrested – never been – never will
Some say “Never say ‘never’”
But I say what I WILL NEVER DO.

by Laila Chris