Mittwoch, Februar 14, 2007

Eu, eu mesmo

Sim, eu tenho face

Eu tenho nome

Eu tenho medos

Eu tenho fome

Sim, eu tenho ira

Eu tenho frieira

Eu tenho dentes do cizo

E eu tenho cera no ouvido

Sim, eu tenho amídalas

Eu tenho cravos

Eu tenho cólicas

Eu tenho pés chatos

Eu fedo

Eu bebo

Eu cuspo

Eu sujo

Eu assusto eu mesmo


by Laila Chris

Sonntag, Februar 11, 2007

On beauty of cultural differences

I do appreciate whatever life brings to the beauty realm. It is a simple fact to me that beauty lies in many things. I see beauty in toothless smiles. I see beauty in psycho-thriller movies soaked in fake blood. There's beauty in larvae. There's beauty in stormy weather. Each lightening bolt is a strike of plain beauty forces. I see beauty in wrinkled hands and hoarse voice. There's beauty in distinct skin color shades, unique beliefs, totems, sacred books, rituals, mantras, singular hairdos, spiritual leaders, body paintings... In short, beauty is constructed on cultural differences. I twist, squeeze, and extract the beauty of all political visions, art-making, languages, and images of all cultures on this humongous planet.

by Laila Chris