Samstag, Oktober 01, 2016

I am afraid of those who believe in EVIL SPIRITS. It so medieval... Kinda stupid to me.

Traditional Catholicism

by Fr. Peter Carota

Traditional Catholic St. Benedict’s Medal

Posted by fc

One of the greatest protectors against the devil is the St. Benedict’s MedalBut many people who wear it or have it on a crucifix have no idea why it is so powerful or what the writing in Latin mean.  They also do not know that in order for the medal to be an effective sacramental to protect one from the devil is that is also has to be exorcized and blessed by a priest with a very certain prayer.

On the front of the medal you see to the left of St. Benedict: Crux S. Patris Benedicti which means, (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict), which he has in his hand.

Under his feet is written: Ex S M Casino MDCCCLXXX (From the Holy Mount of Cassino, 1880).  Monte Casino is in Italy where St. Benedict lived and is buried.

On the outside ring of the medal surrounding St. Benedict is: Ejus in obitu nostro presentia muniamur which means (May his presence protect us in the hour of death).

On the back of the medal are many initials standing for prayers in Latin.

C.S.S.M.L., meaning Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy Cross be for me a light)

N.D.S.M.D., meaning Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux (Let not the dragon be my guide).

C S P B stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict).

V.R.S.N.S.M.V., meaning Vade retro Satana; nunquam suade mihi vana (Begone Satan! Suggest not to me thy vain things).

S.M.Q.L.I.V.B., meaning Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas (The drink you offer is evil; drink that poison yourself).

PAX (Peace).

Here is the Latin Exorcism and Blessing prayer for the St. Benedict’s medal.

V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine  Domini.

R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.

Exorcizo vos, numismata, per Deum + Patrem omnipotentem, qui fecit caelum et terram, mare et omnia, quae in eis sunt.  Omnis virtus adversarii, omnis exercitus diaboli, et omnis incursus, omne phantasma satanae, eradicare et effugare, ab his numismatibus: ut fiant omnibus, qui eis usuri sunt, salus mentis et corporis: in nomine Patris + omnipotentis, et Jesu + Christi Filii ejus, Domini nostri, et Spiritus + Sancti Paracliti, et in caritate ejusdem Domini nostri Jesu Christi, qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos, et saeculum per ignem. R. Amen.

V. Domine exaudi orationem meam.

R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

V. Dominus vobiscum.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

Oremus:  Deus omnipotens, bonorum omnium largitor, supplices te rogamus, ut per intercessionem sancti Benedicti his sacris numismatibus tuam beneditionem + infundas, ut omnes qui ea gestaverint ac bonis operibus intenti fuerint, sanitatem mentis et corporis, et gratiam sanctificationis, atque indulgentias (nobis) concessas consequi mereantur, omnesque diaboli insidias et fraudes, per auxilium misericordiae tuae, studeant devitare et in conspectu tuo sancti et immaculati valeant apparere.  Per Christum Dominum nostrum.   R. Amen.

Then the medal is sprinkled with Holy Water.

With all the satanic things going on, it is important to be out of mortal sin, wearing a scapular that you have been invested in and wear the St. Benedict medal.  Wearing a crucifix is a great protection too.

We are so blessed to be traditional Catholics and to know about these great exorcism prayers in Latin and to be using these powerful Sacramentals.

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