Montag, September 11, 2006

Über mich

I’ve stolen books from libraries
I would ring the bell of strangers’ homes and walk away rapidly…
I’ve already wanted to poison the neighbors’ pets
I’ve already run over a stray cat back in my hometown

I whisper people bad words in different languages all the time
I almost poked my sister’s right eye once

I showed my middle finger to a religion teacher when I was just 6
I scratched deliberately a Fritz Dobbert piano when I was 9
I’d smoke cigarette butts from the floor when I was 11
I used to fake out my mother’s signature on my school detentions

I hadn’t known how to fry eggs short time before I decided to live alone
I invited people whom I didn’t know into my apartment
Later on, many of them used to hang out there
Some of them became good friends

I’ve already canceled many doctor’s and dentist’s appointments
I don’t like doing the dishes and usually place wet towels in bed
I’ve never voted for president or governor

Luckily, I never liked MENUDOS
Although I’ve already bought New Kids on the Block album and I have already wanted to marry Joe McIntyre.

I’ve visited a few countries in the North and South America and have never been to Europe
I’ve fished in the Atlantic and have never wet my feet into the cold Pacific
I’ve always feared driving even way before I had a car accident.
I’ve already danced lambada and have already been to a punk rock concert…

…well, I still listen to punk rock, however it isn’t my cup of tea
Lambada is in the past, THANK GOD!
I do avoid driving as much as I can
I am a great cook now – Lebanese dishes are my specialty
I’ve been happily married to a non-famous person since 98
I don’t smoke yet I quite enjoy drinking
I don’t play the piano anymore even though I could be back to having lessons
My sister doesn’t talk to me very often and I wonder why
I can’t invite strangers to my apartment but they certainly enter my list of ORKUT friends
My kitchen is usually the dirtiest place in the house
I don’t feel like having pets because I don’t appreciate the fact they may not live long
Hate answering the door, the bell, cell phones, and E-mails
I simply can’t steal or fake out signatures any longer for I fear the idea of being arrested – never been – never will
Some say “Never say ‘never’”
But I say what I WILL NEVER DO.

by Laila Chris

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